Sunday 14 December 2014

Netball training drills

                                   Netball training drills

Many things have to be taken into consideration when a coach is studying to coach any level of a netball team. Netball is a game played by both sexes and the youths development and understanding of the game is very important of the future of a players development until at a senior level. in netball training, drills are fundamental and crucial when trying to develop players. there are different categories of skills that should be covered in each drill


Passing is very important for you and the players to master at a young age. at the begging of each session you should warm the players up with a passing drills that look and feel simple but very effective.

line up the players in to groups parallel to each other and make them pass and move. As a coach you can increases the distance of the range of pass. this will make them add more power into the pass of the ball. you can also change the pass technique into: chest pass ,bounce pass and under and over arm passes.
                                                                           Shooting Drills


Shooting is also very important because if you don’t shoot in a game you won’t score any points. Therefore you will not win any games. You will need to teach the technique in a way that the kid’s ill understand and remember how and what to do.


Again you can line up to groups parallel to each other towards the basket and one side shoot and the other side has to get the rebound. The defenders can then swap to the attackers and visor verse.





This is very important because effectively to pass the ball the players need to make space for themselves and lose their marker in order for a player to pull off a good pass. This is a necessary factor of the game that players need to master at all ages and all levels of ability. This can easily be taught to players to move about and call for the ball so that the player with the ball can understand that there in space so that they can play a good pass forward. You should also encourage players to read the game and if there is no options forward, one play can travel behind the ball and call for it and start the build-up of the attack again.


To put this all into a drill you can set up a medium sized area with equal amount of players in the particular area. Allow the players to pick there markers and when you blow the whistle it will be an indicator for the players to start running away from there man to create space for themselves. As the game continues you can throw a ball into the mix and let them use the skills they learnt loosing there marker to keep the ball as a team.


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